
Welcome to CBD-Cumbria, the authoritative voice in the world of CBD and holistic wellness. As the official site at, we offer a comprehensive platform for information, education, and community engagement. This Media Pack is designed to provide you with an overview of CBD-Cumbria and the exciting opportunities available for collaboration.

About CBD-Cumbria

CBD-Cumbria is more than just a blog; it’s a hub for individuals seeking reliable information and high-quality products in the CBD and vaping industry. Our team of experts, enthusiasts, and advocates is dedicated to creating a space where education, transparency, and community thrive.


Our readership spans a diverse demographic interested in health and wellness, ranging from beginners exploring the benefits of CBD to seasoned enthusiasts looking for the latest trends and product reviews. Our community values authenticity, quality, and a holistic approach to well-being.

Content Offerings

Educational Articles

In-depth guides, research summaries, and informative pieces covering various aspects of CBD and vaping.

Product Reviews

Honest and unbiased evaluations of CBD and vape products to assist consumers in making informed decisions.

Community Forum

A platform for our readers to engage, share experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals on their wellness journey.

Collaborative Opportunities

Sponsored Content

Share your brand’s story through sponsored articles that align with our commitment to quality, transparency, and well-being. Benefit from our engaged audience and enhance your brand visibility.

Product Reviews

Feature your CBD or vape product in our detailed and unbiased reviews. Our readers trust our recommendations, providing your brand with valuable exposure.

Banner Advertising

Prominently display your brand through strategically placed banner advertisements on our website, reaching a targeted audience interested in CBD and holistic wellness.

Social Media Collaboration

Amplify your brand’s presence through collaboration on our social media channels. Benefit from our active and growing community on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Get in Touch

For inquiries, collaboration opportunities, and to request a detailed media kit, please contact us at:

We look forward to exploring creative and mutually beneficial partnerships with brands that share our commitment to promoting well-being through CBD and vaping.

Thank you for considering CBD-Cumbria for your marketing and collaboration needs.